Basic Auto Glass Safety Tips when You Have a Teenage Driver

While your teenager is learning how to drive, his/her driver’s ed can only teach him/her so far about the rules and regulations of traffic. What a driver’s ed won’t cover is vehicle maintenance.
Auto glass repair shops like Auto Glass Express often repair auto glass damage on vehicles that have been driver by new drivers. One thing they all have in common is that many of those damages could be minimized or even avoided if the driver had proper education on safe driving and maintenance.
So in order to help you educate your teenage driver, we are offering these basic rules that will help him/her keep the auto glass intact.
Refrain from Tailgating
Drivers ed will cover the dangers of tailgating, but it won’t hurt if you repeat the lessons a few times. Tailgating is dangerous in more than one way. First and foremost, it puts the driver in a risky situation where he/she could end up in a rear-end collision. Secondly, it puts the windshield at greater risk of being hit by pebbles and road debris.
Vehicle tires easily pick up pebbles and road debris and launch it back. If your teenage driver is tailgating too close, some of those pebbles can hit the windshield and damage it. This compromises the integrity of the windshield and also hinders the view of the road.
In order to avoid unnecessary auto glass repair (or replacements if the damage is substantial), teach your teenage driver to refrain from tailgating and follow the three-second rule.
Do Not Slam Vehicle Doors
When you forcefully slam your car doors, you could end up causing misalignment between the auto glass and window tracks. This misalignment might prevent you from opening or closing your car windows properly.
Furthermore, slamming doors (with a significant amount of force) might even cause the auto glass to shatter and then you will be forced to pay for a car window repair or most likely replacement.
Avoid Reckless Driving
The majority of auto glass damage occurs because the driver didn’t abide by the speed limitations. The speed limitations are set out there for a reason. To protect your safety and the safety of other drivers. It’s okay to follow the speed limit.
The majority of the damages caused by speeding can easily be avoided. We understand that getting behind the wheel and driving is exciting, but inexperienced drivers should not drive faster than the speed limit.
Poor driving habits such as tailgating, speeding, etc. usually end up in a collision which in the best scenario only causes auto glass damage. But in worst scenarios, they can cause serious injuries to the driver, passengers, and even death. So make sure that you have a serious discussion with your teenager about driving safely and responsibly.